Thursday, December 13, 2007

I forgot to mention...

Hope is doing so much better with her reflux that we weaned her off her medicine. She has been medicine free since Saturday. She occasionally spits up (like all babies do) but, I don't even know when she does until I pick her up and smell that sour smell. She is doing so well and is such a happy little girl.

She is all girl. One day I will video her crawling. She crawls like a is so funny. She moves her head from side to side and picks her hands up and lays them down gently when she is so funny.

Boys and girls are so different! I remember Isaiah army crawling at this age. He was so big, but strong, that he just used his arms to pull himself across the floor.

They are getting so big so fast!! I cannot believe it. Hope will be walking in a few months and then they will have so much fun chasing each other around....they won't need Mama to "hold you" (as Isaiah says!) Ha ha! Actually they are both in this phase where they both want to be held if I am holding the other one. That means...crying from one of them because I am not allowed to hold both of them at the same time according to Isaiah....which means long days....

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