Monday, July 7, 2008

The past few weeks

we have had many visitors. Here is some of the action!!

The group from Antigua. Notice I am not in the picture because I was in my pajamas! (It was early in the morning.)
Nadia and Jonathan with my kiddos. Hope loved Nadia and would go to her over me or her Daddy sometimes!
Hope with her cousin Ana. Hope is such a lover. She loves to hug and kiss all little kids!
Isaiah with his big cousins!
Isaiah and his new girlfriend Mia. They were jumping off a big air mattress to a little one. They had a blast!
Marko, Joanie, and Hopey!
Marko, Matteo, and Isaiah.
Isaiah with his new buddy Michael. He is great with kids. He gave Isaiah so many rides on his shoulders!
The Socha's with all their grandbabies!

All the Socha's together again after 18 months!
Aren't they cute??
The beautiful! We loved having the Fiore's here. They were so great and so our their kids. They are all so helpful, funny, and loved to play with my kids! :) Isaiah and Hope are going to miss them!


Anonymous said...

I don't want to get behind on your blog. I was surprised to have two blogs to snuck one by me! I will listen to the video when I get back home but I just had to tell you how much I enjoyed the pictures and your explanations of the pictures. Makes me feel like I am there and it's nice to be able to put names and faces together...not that I will remember! Have a great day! Love to all.

Suzanne Joblonski said...

I am curious about your photo from those in Antigua. How did that come about?

Michele said...

They are our friends that we met through missionary work. My husband has known them for over 10 years.They brought a group of kids from their school to come and visit universites around here.