Monday, August 25, 2008

Potty News

Isaiah is doing great with the potty. Here's what's going on:

1. He uses the potty all day and a pull up at nap time and bedtime.
2. He sometimes will tell you he has to go but, I will make him use the toilet after an hour and a half if he hasn't gone or if I ask and he says yes!
3. If nobody is in the same room as him and he has to go...he will go in his pants. I think because he doesn't know to go by himself and because he probably cannot open the door. They are really hard to open and I have to close them because Hope likes to play in the toilet.
4. He will pee anywhere....including outside, parking lots, grass...he doesn't care. Hey as long as he tells me he has to go and doesn't have an accident I am fine with that for now.

But for the most part he may have only 1 accident a day. We are working on him telling us more often when he has to go.

Occasionally he cries and asks for his diapers back (mostly when he is exhausted) but then he is fine again.

Hopefully everything continues going well and soon we will have no accidents! Yeah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Michele ! I was just catching up on your posts ! And when I was working at the daycares and we were potty training all the 2 year olds- lots of fun - we had these little spongy things that you put in the toilet and have them aim - so its kinda fun for them - or my friend said she used cheerio's ! Just an idea - I bet they have them at kid's stores !!