Wednesday, January 28, 2009 nappers here!!

I have been meaning to post but I don't really have any time to myself anymore.

My so-caller "Great Sleeper"...aka Hope...has decided not to nap anymore since we have been home. She started out just sitting there. The first day she sat there 1 1/2 hour, the next day an hour, the next 40 mins, and today 20 minutes. I don't know what to do. I gave in today and rocked her to sleep, which took 30 minutes (Dave and Isaiah were out), but as soon as I put her down she screamed and screamed. Obviously she was spoiled when she was sick, but she has to be exhausted. She is up from 5:30am to 7pm. She has been doing OK with it and is usually happy...but Isaiah is getting more sleep than her. Any suggestions??

We decided to try and put Isaiah in his own bed. Don't jump to any conclusions yet....his mattress is right next to ours on the floor...Ha ha...Baby Steps. We just started tonight so I will keep you posted on what happens. It is just getting too crowded in our bed and I am sick of being kicked in the face...not that he knows he is doing it:)

Oh least they go to bed at 7 and Dave and I get a little time together. Time to do what?? Watch 24 and American Idol of course..Ha ha! Actually I have not watched that much of American Idol. I do not really like this part that much. But I will start tuning in more next week when they have Hollywood week!!


Maria LaRoe said...

I feel your pain! Mine aren't taking naps anymore either. Well, Preston doesn't really need one, but Ella definitely still needs one and never takes one!! Sorry, no suggestions here because I still haven't figured it out! =( I hope your kids start napping again soon because I know how frustrating it can be!! =)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know loved the previou blog with the picture update. I failed in the napping department when kids were little so I am of no help. I to am addicted to 24--watching American Idol but I to don't like this part.
I hope everyone is back to feeling better!