Sunday, September 12, 2010


For the past 3-4 weeks, we have been dealing with thrush. Poor Micah got it somehow and it has taken forever to go away. We first tried the medicine, but he was spitting up so much on it and got a rash on his face (which I will talk about later...but not from the medicine)...So we took him off of that and I researched a natural way to do it. He has been on diluted grapefruit seed extract for a few weeks. I think it is finally almost all gone...I only saw a tiny spot in his mouth today. So please pray it it gone.

I never realized how much you have to wash, sanitize, boil and wash again. We have been washing all his toys as soon as he is done with them, his sheets everyday, boiling his pappy's everyday, making sure the big kids don't get it!! So crazy. So that is why I have little time to blog. LOL! Although...thank God for Ashley...she is amazing and such a huge help. Without her...well I don't want to think about it. LOL! God always provides!

Micah was also not sleeping well when we had it. He would scream when we tried to give him a pappy at night...and the only way to calm him down was to feed him. I was feeding him 3-4 times a night....I was exhausted!!! So last week we finally weaned him again! Then I thought I was getting the thrush the other day! I freaked out and called the doctor to get medicine...but after reading it and all the side effects I didn't want to take it!! LOL! So again I searched and I have been using the grapefruit seed extract as well. For some reason, we are more of a all natural family and that works well for us. The medicines...not so much.

So about Micah's rash on his face....
He gets this rash on his face after playing with toys or rolling around on the floor. We thought it was from his medicine, then his other medicine, the his juice cup....Well, my sister just happened to want to see Isaiah's baby book from when he was 6-7 months old and....Isaiah had the same rash on his face. I completely forgot about it! It is from his saliva when they are teething. I am so glad I take so many pictures so I can remember things like this!

I cannot believe Micah is going to be 7 months tomorrow:( It is going so fast!

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