Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Baby Boot Camp Begins

Well it actually started last night.

Poor Micah! I love him so much! But the poor little guy is not a good sleeper. It is partly our fault because we have always put him to sleep or go in when he wakes up and put him back to sleep. We felt we had to do it when he was little due to the reflux...and lately with all his food/stomach issues....but he doesn't want to be held anymore and throws himself...actually he doesn't know what he wants:). Hence..the beginning of baby boot camp.

Really it is just the cry it out method, which I HATE!! but hopefully it will work! Last night it took him 18 mins to go to sleep (which felt a LOT longer!!) so I thought not bad...but then he cried off and on from 1-2am....poor thing! I just watched him on the video monitor the whole time...LOL! I had to put his real crib bumper in because he can stand but...he cannot get down LOL! Good thing I did or he would have hit his head so many times. Anyway...he cried out again at 3 am for a few minutes and then at 5 am (I fed him then since he was used to eating all night long and I figured he was hungry) then he went back to sleep until 7:30am. Not too bad.

Hopefully better tonight...although his nap was messed up and he was pretty much asleep after I nursed him so we will see how it goes....He was already up once and cried for only 8 minutes (off and on) and is back to sleep.

Pray for us and for Micah that he gets all the sleep he really needs:)

Oh and FYI...I have a ton of new pictures to post but the picture uploader is down right now. Hopefully I will get to it soon:)

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