Thursday, March 22, 2007


Well....I went to the doctor again this morning and nothing new to report....well I am a 1/2cm dilated...haha!

But he did an ultrasound and we got to see the baby again. Everything looks great....lots of fluid around the baby, the placenta looks good, the baby is in a good position, and it looks like this baby may have hair...haha! We will see.

I go back to the doctor next Wednesday...on my actual due date, March 28th...and if nothing is happening then....I have to set an induce date....yuck....Lets hope it doesn't come to that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hope isaiah doesn't get upset about the hair....but, if this baby has more hair...please don't bring it up around isaiah...

yes, the baby looks great....a nice big cabeza!
