Thursday, July 5, 2007

We're Home!!!

Well...we are finally home after 3 weeks. It was a longggggg vacation but we had a great time despite Isaiah not sleeping very well. Dave and I have not slept in the same bed since the night before we left. He takes Isaiah and I take Hope....I hope that will change now that we are home.

So here is an update on all we have done....sorry I never had a chance while we were gone!

We went to Buffalo for 2 are some things we did there.

* I weaned Hope!!! Yeah...she is doing so great! And I am loving all the foods that I can eat again...I probably gained a few pounds but oh well.

*We threw a surprise 30th anniversary party for my parents. They were really surprised since there anniversary isn't until July 22nd....but we wouldn't be there to celebrate. I wish I would have had my camera to catch my mom's face when she walked was priceless.

* We got to see some family and friends. Sorry if we didn't catch up with you. It was hard this time to get Isaiah on east coast time and he was crabby A LOT! We decided next time to invite everyone to my parents house next time instead of us runny around with two little ones!!

* Isaiah LOVED driving the four wheelers and the tractor with Grandpa Joe! He loves the outdoors....and his grandpa!

* Isaiah went in a sprinkler for the first time and loved it (probably only because it was warm water and not freezing cold.)

* We went to Dave's High School Reunion. We actually got to go out to dinner and have a date two nights in a row! Wow....I cant remember the last time we did that. It was great to meet some of his friends and to see others that I have met before. Let's just say....some people do not change!

*We went to Rochester for a day to see my sister's new house. It is so cute! (Wish we could have seen her more though =)


Then we were off to Florida for a week. We stayed at a hotel on the beach only because we wanted some sleep for Isaiah. He LOVED his cousins....although him and Ana fight over everything!

* Isaiah loved driving there too. Camyrn would take him for rides on the jeep or his Uncle Doug would drive him on his golf cart.

* Isaiah also loved the ocean and pool. He is very daring though. And when I was not there.....he was pushing Camryn in the pool and then he fell in head first. Dave said he sunk so fast and would have hit his head on the bottom if he didn't jump in as quick as he did. He said he wouldn't let him get to far from him after that.

* We hoped Carrie would have had her baby luck. She is due on July 17th but usually goes early. So now we will have to wait to see him or her until August. (I think it is a girl!) Dave just wants her to have a crazy one like Isaiah because Ana is soooo easy! She is so cute and we miss all of them!

* Camryn, Isaiah, and Cade got sick near the end of our trip. Isaiah only got a fever and it only lasted two days. We hope Cade is better! He got whatever it was the worst =(

* Hope was so great throughout the whole vacation! She is a great sleeper and usually sleeps through anything. She slept on both flights and didn't wake up until we got home last night! She is such a happy and smiley baby....we love her so much!! And of course we love Isaiah too!!

We flew home on July 4th! It was so great to see all the fireworks as we were flying over. There were so many!

I hope I didn't forget anything major...I will try and post pictures over the weekend. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer vacation!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a lot of wonderful memories right there.