Monday, September 17, 2007

Any Ideas??

We took away Hope's paci...because she always spit it out. But...she wants something to suck on while she sleeps. We tried a blanket, a lovey, and her fingers. She doesn't want any of those. She is having a hard time going down for naps and falling back asleep when she wakes up.

So I am open to any suggestions that you might have!



Anonymous said...

That is a tough one mich...Makenzie loved her paci...and I was very nervous it would be an issue to get rid of it. But now she just has it to sleep...and some times not even then.

If you stick with the paci...pretty soon she will have hand control to be able to find one if she spits it can put a few next to her in her crib...until then, good luck! If you take it away she may forget about it in a week or so...hopefully! :)

Sorry I know this was no help! I will call you later today...sorry I missed your call!

Love, Dani :)

Kate said...

To help Sam learn not to spit out his paci, I tried something that was mentioned by Dr. Karp in "The Happiest Baby on the Block". He said that when you give the baby the paci, pull on it a little bit like you're about to take it out - the baby will suck harder on it and it trains them not to let it fall out. Sam is like Makenzie - he just uses his paci now at bedtime. Good luck!

Carrie said...

Michele..your famous now I just saw your contest on Danielle Bean!!
Ok so last night I was up with Monica and I laid her down next to me and although I know after all the problems you had with getting Isaiah to sleep in his crib after he slept with you guys so long you might be opposed to the idea of putting Hope in your bed for awhile. I slept with Monica last night and she wasn't hungry but she can't keep a paci in her mouth either so I slept and held it in for her and when it fell out again I put it back in but she was close and there was no getting up involved. We also had a very bad storm last night and it rocked our house and rattled our windows so the noise kept waking her up and I couldn't fall back asleep and I just thought of you and thought maybe it might work for you too!
Take care talk to you soon