Saturday, August 29, 2009

How were you woken up this morning??

Bet you didn't have a bat flying over your head at 6 am!! This is so crazy. We have to go through the whole process again. It happens on a I have to wait until Monday again for them to pick it up and test it. Yuck!

Dave said he was proud of me because I didn't freak out like last time! Ha ha! Isaiah was in our bed sound asleep when I heard it and threw the covers over our head. Then Dave was mad and went to find it.

I wish I would have videotaped Dave when he was trying to catch it because it sounded really funny. He didn't have much upstairs to hit it with. So he took Isaiah's side bed rail and was trying to hit it with that. He also had a lot of sound effects. Isaiah thought it was funny.

So...please pray that this one is disease free too!!

We called an exterminator hopefully they can figure out where they are coming in from.


Carrie said...

Michele, my prayers are for you and that the bat is disease free. I would've freaked out!!! good job!

Aunt Kathy said...

What a way to start your day! I will pray it is disease free and the exterminator can figure out how these critters are getting in and stopping them!! Way to keep calm--Michele and nice capture-Dave. I bet Isaiah loved watching Dave going after that bat!

Aunt Kim said...

I'm glad you called an exterminator. Crazy but about two months ago I was listening to one of the Christian radio stations which I barely get to listen to anymore. Anyway, at one point it was mentioned how this family had to get rid of bats. I don't remember the whole thing but it was mentioned that it was expensive (I think the family even had to move out of their house for a bit) but that it was covered on their homeowner's policy. I forget what a bat is listed as...Isaiah will probably know one day soon;-) Just wanted to pass that along in case it may help you one day. Hopefully just a few and the exterminator can take care of it. Now don't go batty over it..ha! ha! glad you didn't freak out this time although you are probably braver than I!

Love, Tita said...

Wow! Maybe you should get those mosquito nets to place over your beds!
Its a good thing I wasn't there! I would have been under the bed!

Sumner Family Fun said...

oh gosh can you imagine if my mom was there...oh gosh! you are so brave mich...i would never be able to sleep! wish I could of seen Dave chasing the bat down! miss ya! love! :)

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